
We run crazy fun party overnight frequently.

You can join into our wild party at ON team..JOIN US! let the party keep movinng~~ON ON ON

Night of frozen dance

Venue: Euphoria,MOS
Activities: clubbing
Dated: 02/07/2009

Mr. Ryo
Mr. Wind(Sarikei)
Mr. Hansen
Mr. James
Mr. Ken

Its coming to another clubing night for us. This time the venue is held on Euphoria,MOS as what we plan in the earlier. Due to weekdays, non of the outsider member joining us in this activities and yet we still can enjoy ourselves during the time at club. So that’s just a few little picture been taken as following. Hope to see more people join in coming days activities.

secretary and vice-secretary..

say yo..oh..!!

snap snap snap..!!gogogo....

created by Mr. Hansen