
We run crazy fun party overnight frequently.

You can join into our wild party at ON team..JOIN US! let the party keep movinng~~ON ON ON

Night of Horror Curse

Venue: Mid Valley
Activities: Mid-Night Movie(Drag me to the hell)
Dated: 23/06/2009,11.30pm

Mr. Ryo
Mr. Hansen
Mr. James
Mr. Ken

Joining Members:
Mr. Alan

Yo..Movie times..this time 69ON team is challenging themselves for a mid-night horror movie(Drag Me To The Hell) at Mid Valley. Due to just few of us & lacking of times, we got no picture taking for that session of movie.

Drag Me To The Hell
A very interesting horror movie that show about a pretty bank officer lady, Christine Brown who got curse of LAMIA from a gypsy lady when she use to turn down the third extension of the mortgage’s payment. The movie is interesting about the story how the ladies fight on with the curse and the horror scene show suddenly unprepared by time to times. Overall this could be one of the top horror movie we been seen so far..

created by Mr.Hansen